- “Oh, please can you help me to look even more beautiful?”, one of them said to the mysterious lady.
- “Can you help me too to be more beautiful?”, asked the other one.
The lady was just so helpful, and asked the girls about what they’re wishes were. The beautiful girls told the lady their deepest dreams and wishes about how they would look beautiful, even tough they were very different from eachother.
When they were finish talking, the lady looked at the girls and said:
-“Fine, I can help you both, but it’s gonna cost you!”
The girls became a bit scared by this lady now, but they looked hard into their pockets and found what they needed. Even though it was almost too much, this was what the girls wanted the most; to become beautiful.
So after six hours in a chair and at the floor, with both paining in their heads, backs and buts, their wishes were about to some true… Would they really be beautiful?!
They first looked at each other, and then they looked in the mirror…
- “Oh no! What has she done!”, they said to each other. Looking nervese and frustrated into the mirror.
- “This is not what I wanted”, one of them thought.
- “This is not what I wanted either”, the other one thought too.
But both of the girls smiled polite to the lady, paid their expensive price, and left. More disappointed than happy, because the lady hadn’t made them more beautiful… She had made them to a couple of twins!!
So yes, this was the sad story about the two girls who went trough a long and painful process, for nothing! They did not get what they asked for, and they did not get it for a good price either. And maybe the sadest thing of all is… That this story is true!!
Some in Norwegian:
6 timer på rumpa, 4 pakker med løshår, hallelujah, takk og lov for TV’n og såpeopraen!, 2 jenter i huet på en gang, 6 ansatte på det meste i den BITTELILLE salongen, litt lugging, men hadde forestilt meg det enda verre!, ble jo HELT LIKE, er jo megaflaut å gå sammen på gata nå, får desto mer oppmerksomhet.
Kunne så absolutt sett bedre ut… eller kunne jeg vel egentlig det?! Jeg kunne i alle fall ha sett MYE VERRE ut! Det er jammenmeg sikkert!;-)
6 timer på rumpa, 4 pakker med løshår, hallelujah, takk og lov for TV’n og såpeopraen!, 2 jenter i huet på en gang, 6 ansatte på det meste i den BITTELILLE salongen, litt lugging, men hadde forestilt meg det enda verre!, ble jo HELT LIKE, er jo megaflaut å gå sammen på gata nå, får desto mer oppmerksomhet.
Kunne så absolutt sett bedre ut… eller kunne jeg vel egentlig det?! Jeg kunne i alle fall ha sett MYE VERRE ut! Det er jammenmeg sikkert!;-)
3 kommentarer:
du e genial!!!
hey Inger Johanne! Jeg syns du ser fin ut jeg :) african chick! ser ut som du koser deg, staa paa :) Stor klem Anne-Therese, hils margrethe!
Hva har du gjort med håret ditt??!?!?!??!?! Ble fint da... Ser ut til at du koser deg nedi der! Stå på!
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